sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Evangeline Lilly: Lost 2.11

I remember thinking about how great it would be to have a cool show like Lost, also delivering DID scenes. Of course, the one actress that had to have a scene, was the beautiful Evangeline Lilly. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait very much. On the eleventh episode of season two, Evangeline got the full treatment for the first time (she had been handcuffed and tied in previous episodes). In this one, her character, Kate, disobeys orders and goes after the bad guys, the frightful Others, who at the time, had already made an awful reputation for themselves. She gets caught, cleavegagged, hands tied behind her back and is used as a hostage. Since the action happens at night, the illumination is poor, but the fact that Evangeline Lilly actually had a full treatment scene, more than made up for it (at least for me). With the many flashbacks the show had, we should have seen how Kate got caught (I would have loved so much an onscreen gagging scene!!!).  No luck there, but at least this scene was not going to be Evangeline's only gag scene on the show...

Tanto suspenso, expectación y tantas hipótesis sobre esta serie, fueron complementadas con dos escenas de mordaza para la bellísima Evangeline Lilly, amordazada en esta escena nocturna, en la que es tomada como rehén por  los Otros. La iluminación no es la ideal, pero el contexto de la escena y hasta de la serie, dicta que no podía ser de otra manera. Además esta escena fue muy deseada y al hacerse realidad, le perdonamos sus inconvenientes (¿cuántas veces hemos deseado que hubiera una escena con una determinada actriz, para al final quedarnos sólo con la decepción?). Eso sí, me quedé con las ganas de ver, en uno de tantos flashbacks, como Evangeline fue hecha prisionera y recibió la mordaza... pero como dicen, no se puede tener todo. Lo que sí hubo fue una segunda escena, unos episodios más adelante...

Il debutto di Evangeline Lilly come dea imbavagliata è successo nel undicesimo episodio della seconda stagione di Lost. Kate, il personaggio di Evangeline, non segue le ordini e per questo lei finisce rapita, legata, imbavagliata e presa in ostaggio dai malvagi Altri. Scena oscura ma molto desiderata, con una delle attrici piú belle che ho visto, la canadese Lilly. Purtroppo non abbiamo visto come Kate viene catturata ed imbavagliata, ma si ci sarà un'altra scena per Evangeline...

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